Avemar sailed away from her anchor in the Severn River at 0845 on Wednesday after a week in Annapolis, Maryland and began the 2022 southbound trip to warmer weather! It was a pretty uneventful sail, beating and then close reaching in 12 to 18 knots of wind coming from the SW with stronger puffs from W throughout the day. The WindPilot was not happy for most of the trip so I ended up hand steering for much of the ride. Interestingly, I think that Avemar sails much faster, although not always on the heading to the next waypoint, when I’m hand steering because I can bear off in the gusts for speed rather than letting the steering vane follow the direction change in the gusts. Avemar was regularly moving over the ground in the high 6 knot to mid 7 knot range all afternoon. We followed Scott on AKA, a fellow Seven Seas Cruising Association member, down the Bay. The hook was set at 1830 next to the Tiki Bar in Solomons and we rafted up for a quiet evening hanging out and talking about sailing and life. At 2200 we realized we had forgotten to eat dinner and went our separate ways for the night… and I went for a ham and cheese sandwich!
Trip Notes
The morning in Annapolis started off with raising the mainsail and immediately dumping gallons of water trapped in the mainsail cover down into the open hatch below. It was 40 degrees on deck! I layered up, complete with a wool sweater and winter hat!
AKA met us at the exit to the channel for Lake Ogleton at 1000 and we sailed together all day, staying within sight of each other.
At one point late in the morning the beating and heel of the boat was getting painful and so I reefed the main and furled in the staysail. It slowed Avemar to a crawl. Almost immediately I was back on deck shaking out the reef and sailed for the rest of the day with a full main and full headsail and thankfully the wind clocked a little behind us on starboard and it ended up being a pleasant ride all the way to Solomons.
I set the hook and AKA rafted up for a quiet night. Breakfast and a grocery run are on the agenda today and then Avemar will be heading further down the Bay in search of heat!
I climbed in bed last night with the toboggan still on my head.
What A (Boat Show) Week!

April flew up from Florida and visited for ‘boat show week’ and we packed in all sorts of fun adventures (around work of course – thank you Starlink!) that included seeing old friends, meeting new friends, good food, cold dinghy rides, walks to a really cool grocery store and sailing for a few hours on 10-16-2022 and logging 5.91 nm. I’ll write about our busy week that spanned from mountains to sea in a separate soon with lots of pictures!
Logbook: 10-19-2022
Crew? Solo
Where to? Solomons, Maryland
Where from? Annapolis, Maryland (38° 58.685 N 76° 28.406 W)
Anchor weighed: 0845 on 10/19/22
Where did I end up? Solomons, MD (38° 19.306 N 76° 27.334 W)
Anchor set: 1830 on 10/19/22
Sailing distance? 44.84 nm
Total miles since 11/2022? 3,391.48 nm
Cover Photo
Avemar rafted up with AKA in Solomons, MD